Thursday, March 19, 2009

A week of small happinesses

It's spring break, which means I don't have to teach or hand in homework. I've never been so stoked about spring break before, possibly because I've now gone two years without it. It's wonderful - less work, and more time sleeping. My roommate and I did no work all weekend. So, having less book work/studying (although I need to do lots between now and Monday), this week has permitted small things that have made me happier:

- Going swimming!

- Cooking corned beef and cabbage on Sunday, like a good 1/16 Irish girl. It turned out quite well, and I have enough to feed an army.

- Watching "the gods must be crazy" Sunday night. VERY funny; that actor is a master of slapstick.

- Making corned beef & cabbage spirals Monday night (an invention/adaptation of mine) and...

- making my favoritest Mel - & - Mom sugar cookies (I'd say Heckman family, but she's Shelton-Heckman, and it just gets complicated). They're my favorite cookies ever, and I got to make them again for the first time in ages - using a snail cookie cutter, none the less!

- Wearing my hair in pigtails & a bandana Monday, with a fleece and chacos. It was camp chic, and I felt so much more like myself than I do in most other clothes.

- Biking with a friend from church Tuesday morning, out to Decatur and back. It was nice to go long enough to actually use all my gears, and not have to stop at a light every block. Of course, the time with a friend was wonderful, too.

- Sleeping in, did I mention that?

- This Saturday, I should be headed to Rita's for some free wooder ice!

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