Monday, September 29, 2008

wanting more time

**I will add pictures to this later, but it's been a long day and I'm missing friends, so I'm posting it now, sans pictures**

So I’m aware that it’s been forever since I wrote. I don’t have internet at home, and I often feel bad using the internet at work for non-work purposes (although I’m getting more used to it, especially because I work at home, so why not home at work, right?). I’ve been here in Atlanta for 6 weeks at least now, which is a long time. It’s been bumpy, but there have been some good things, and it’s growing on me.

I cooked an awesome dinner this week. It was the first time I’ve gotten to do real cooking since I’ve been here (pasta and sautéed everything and pb&j clearly do not count). It was vegetable tian with breaded chicken and rice. I could have picked a better combination of foods, but individually they weren’t too bad (and they weren’t bad together either, but it could have been a little more perfect). The tian was possibly one of the most attractive dishes I’ve made yet, and it was French, which was even better. It also caused me to fall in love with Gruyere cheese…so delicious. Mmm.

These are my plants. I’ve been really stuck on naming things here and haven’t been able to come up with fitting names for them yet. The one with large leaves is Clara; she used to live with Rufus and George the cacti, but Rufus rotted out and George is slowly passing away (yes, I am skilled enough to kill a cactus). The tall spindly one is male (I decided), and I think the smaller ones surrounding clara are female…but I just can’t name them. They make me happy, though. *Tall one may be Edsel or Giuseppe, and the short ones may be Elsa. Still taking suggestions.

I am also having a horrid problem naming my “new” bike (my uncle found it in a dump and fixed it up for me, and I love it). It’s an old Schwinn Worldsport, and just looks so lithe (elegant, slender, athletic, graceful, agile – lithe). I feel a little weird riding it because I’m not the world’s greatest city rider, nor have I really ridden hills before. I’m getting used to it, but the gears are a little messed up on it still and that makes hills more difficult of course. Riding in the city is definitely something else. I love not having to drive to work, and my 25-30 minute walk to campus cuts down to 5-10 on my bike (depending on traffic and construction). I feel much more environmentally friendly this way. Most of the way in, there’s a bike lane, so that helps greatly. I have ridden on more crowded streets, and that’s still nervewracking. Maybe I’ll work my way up to that. People tend to ride on the sidewalks a lot here too, which is less than optimal for the pedestrians. I try not to. But this is my bike. I think it deserves a good European or Asian name, but I’m not coming up with much that fits its look. Any suggestions would be very very welcome. *Currently mulling Didier, or maybe Loic.
Classes have been going well, although it’s of course hard and more than a little overwhelming. I feel like I’m never getting enough done, but, as I’ve been told, they’ll let you know if you need to work harder, so don’t stress too much about it. I’ve so far gotten a good reaction from my advisor about the research that I’d like to do, so that’s really exciting. Yay sea slug defenses! I really like my labmates, they’re all really friendly and it’s been great getting to know them.
I may have found a church, as well, but will give more details on that as it develops in terms of small group and all. I feel like I really heard from God there in the sermon and worship the past few weeks, and the people are so warm and friendly (some my age, but lots of other generations too). And it's a nice, humble, real church. And it's one of very few within walking distance of my apartment. I like it a lot so far.
Contra dancing has been fun, but people are less friendly than they were in Savannah and the men are a bit more forward, which makes me uncomfortable. I think it’s because there are more northerners in Atlanta (and they don’t have as much respect I suppose).
I read Howard Pyle’s version of Robin Hood recently, and absolutely adored it. It was immediately preceded by Peter Pan, which I also found thoroughly delightful. After I finish rereading the Princess Bride (yes…again…) I plan to find some T.S. Eliot at the library. I did read Cyrano de Bergerac as soon as I got to Atlanta (in French), and really liked the satire and playfulness of the play. Speaking of puns, I’m starting to fall back into that niche here (there was a category of puns on Jeopardy the other night!), and that’s good for me; as I get more comfortable, I start to become more of who I really am (something I really miss about this summer).
This is, of course, exceptionally long. Hopefully I’ll be better at regular updates from here on out.