Saturday, June 9, 2007

Fair skin used to be stylish

Farmer tan, farmer tan
Looks as cool as a sunburn can
Rings my neck
and my arms
'Neath the sleeve, pale to alarm
Look out! Here comes the farmer tan.

Is it red? Listen, bud
It's as red as mosquito blood.
Does it hurt
every day?
It's been marked by burning rays.
Hey there, There goes farmer tan.

In the heat of sun
Thanks to photons galore
My tan line's begun
It is a real eyesore.

Farmer tan, farmer tan
All my neighbors have farmer tans
'Cause our work has no shade
But hey, at least
we get paid.

If I'm inside, all my fun's up
So any day that the sun's up,
You'll find the farmer tan!


jaeyde said...

"fair skin used to be stylish" hmm... so basically farmer tans were never the "in" thing...... ;)

Unknown said...

since i wear dress pants to work, and since i walk the miles home after work, usually, i have a pretty sweet farmer tan goin on... although mine doesn't involve red hehe. be safe! wear a sombrero or something hehe